In vitro fertilization methods and programs
The clinic offers a wide range of assisted reproductive technologies. With the guidance of a reproductive specialist, you'll find the most suitable treatment options to help you achieve your dream of a long-awaited pregnancy.
Your egg and
your partner's sperm
your partner's sperm
Your egg and
donor sperm
donor sperm
Donor egg and
your partner's sperm
your partner's sperm
Donor egg and
donor sperm
donor sperm
Assisted reproductive technology using genetic material from both partners is recommended for heterosexual couples diagnosed with infertility in one or both partners, and for couples who haven't fallen pregnant after 6 to 12 months of trying.
In this procedure, the obtained eggs are fertilized with donor sperm from a sperm bank of your choice.
This type of treatment is suitable for both couples and women without sexual partners. Using donor sperm during treatment is necessary when the partner's sperm cannot be utilized for artificial insemination or when no sperm is available.
This type of treatment is suitable for both couples and women without sexual partners. Using donor sperm during treatment is necessary when the partner's sperm cannot be utilized for artificial insemination or when no sperm is available.
With this procedure, the eggs from your chosen donor are fertilized with your partner's sperm.
In vitro fertilization procedures using donor eggs provide a unique opportunity for women to carry and give birth to a baby, even in the case of the inability to produce their own eggs.
In vitro fertilization procedures using donor eggs provide a unique opportunity for women to carry and give birth to a baby, even in the case of the inability to produce their own eggs.
In this procedure, the eggs from your selected donor are fertilized with donor sperm from a sperm bank to create embryos.
This type of treatment is suitable for both couples and women without sexual partners. The simultaneous use of donor eggs and donor sperm is necessary when the patient's own eggs and sperm are not suitable for the artificial insemination procedure.
This type of treatment is suitable for both couples and women without sexual partners. The simultaneous use of donor eggs and donor sperm is necessary when the patient's own eggs and sperm are not suitable for the artificial insemination procedure.

This treatment program is recommended for both male-factor and female-factor infertility:
with changes in semen analysis
with severe endometriosis
with obstruction or damage to the fallopian tubes
in cases of complex forms of hormonal infertility
in cases of long-term infertility despite satisfactory examinations
The use of donor sperm is recommended in cases of:
lack of sperm in the partner's seminal fluid
inherited genetic diseases or chromosomal abnormalities in the male partner
severe forms of sperm pathology (including after cancer treatment)
women without a sexual partner (including female couples)
The use of donor eggs is recommended in cases of:
premature ovarian insufficiency, which may be due to factors such as ovarian surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy following cancer treatment, among others.
early menopause
repeated unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination using own eggs
"poor" or absent response to ovarian stimulation in later reproductive years (after the age of 38-40)
certain genetic conditions
The use of donor embryos is recommended in the following cases:
premature ovarian insufficiency, which may be due to factors such as ovarian surgery, radiation, or chemotherapy following cancer treatment, among others.
early menopause
repeated unsuccessful attempts at artificial insemination using own eggs
"poor" or absent response to ovarian stimulation in later reproductive years (after the age of 38-40)
certain genetic conditions
lack of sperm in the partner's seminal fluid
inherited genetic diseases or chromosomal abnormalities in the male partner
severe forms of sperm pathology (including after cancer treatment)
women without a sexual partner (including female couples)
Intrauterine insemination
This treatment program is recommended for both male-factor and female-factor infertility, but is most commonly indicated in the following situations:
- under 30 years of age
- both fallopian tubes are patent
- in the presence of a cervical factor in women where the partner's sperm becomes immobilized after entering the cervical canal (positive MAR test)
- after cervical cone biopsy and other gynaecological procedures
- when the quality of the partner's sperm shows no significant deviations from the norm in terms of motility and concentration
- in cases of absent ejaculate and partner impotence during sexual intercourse.
IVF (in vitro fertilization)
This treatment program is recommended for both male-factor and female-factor infertility, but is most commonly indicated in the following situations:
- with minor changes in sperm counts
- with obstruction or damage to the fallopian tubes
- when infertility is diagnosed despite satisfactory test results from examinations of both partners
ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection into the egg or microfertilization technique)
This treatment program is recommended for both male-factor and female-factor infertility:
- with significant changes in sperm counts
- with severe endometriosis
- with obstruction or damage to the fallopian tubes
- in cases of complex forms of hormonal infertility
- in cases of long-term infertility despite satisfactory examinations
Options for increasing the chances of pregnancy
In your specific case, the reproductive specialist may recommend additional assisted reproductive technologies, such as:
- culturing embryos to the blastocyst stage
- video monitoring of embryo development in a time-lapse incubator
- sperm selection using the FertilPlus method
- using special embryo culture media called EmbryoGen and BlastGen
- preimplantation genetic testing for PGT-a aneuploidy
- EmbryoGlue

Donor material
Approximately 10 to 15% of all couples attempting to conceive within one year encounter infertility issues.
The success rate of treatment with modern assisted reproductive technologies is quite high. However, not all women and couples are able to conceive using their own genetic material–either eggs or sperm.
The unique nature of using donor material is the personalized selection of a donor based on your specific criteria and preferences.
Patients can access essential information about the donor's appearance and personal characteristics, including details about their children, education and ethnic background. That said, patients do not receive any information that could potentially identify the donor. No patient information is disclosed to the donor.
Egg donors
The initial process of selecting an egg donor for a patient is based on key biometric characteristics, including:
- Hair colour
- Weight
- Eye colour
- Blood type
- Height
The secondary process of selecting a donor for a specific patient is performed by the clinic coordinator on an individual basis, focusing on phenotypic similarities between the recipient and the donor. The coordinator may use photographs of the patient to maximize the physical resemblance.
All the eggs obtained from the donor's stimulation cycle will be for your exclusive use. We don't share eggs between different patients!

Donor sperm
Selection of a sperm donor for a patient is based on key biometric characteristics, including:
- Hair colour
- Weight
- Eye colour
- Blood type
- Height
At AVA CLINIC, you can choose a suitable donor from our local donor database or from other European sperm banks.

How much does an IVF procedure cost?
Procedure costs vary based on the specifics of each individual case. Contact us and we will provide you with a personalized solution tailored to your specific needs.
345,00 €
Procedure costs vary based on the specifics of each individual case. Contact us and we will provide you with a personalized solution tailored to your specific needs.
895,00 €
Procedure costs vary based on the specifics of each individual case. Contact us and we will provide you with a personalized solution tailored to your specific needs.
6450,00 €
Procedure costs vary based on the specifics of each individual case. Contact us and we will provide you with a personalized solution tailored to your specific needs.
7000,00 €
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