In vitro fertilization
If the process yields a significant number of high-quality embryos, they can be frozen at the patient's request and stored under optimal conditions for an indefinite period, as agreed on by the two parties.

Who do we help?


Same-sex couples

Women without partners
Types of treatment
Your egg and your partner's sperm
Treatment using genetic material from both partners. This method is suitable for couples diagnosed with infertility or those who have not fallen pregnant after 6 to 12 months of trying.
Your egg and donor sperm
Your egg or eggs are fertilized using donor sperm sourced from a sperm bank. This option is suitable for couples and women without partners when using the partner's sperm is not an option.
Donor egg and your partner's sperm
Donor eggs are fertilized with the partner's sperm. This method allows women to experience pregnancy when they do not have their own eggs.
Donor eggs and donor sperm
Both donor eggs and donor sperm are used to create embryos. This option is suitable for couples and women without partners when it is not possible to use the patients' genetic material.

How much does an IVF procedure cost?
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