State in vitro fertilization program

Since 2012, patients at the clinic have had the opportunity to undergo state-funded artificial insemination and IVF procedures. Starting in 2024, the program for preserving genetic material for cancer patients prior to chemotherapy was included in the list of state-funded procedures.

In vitro fertilization procedures covered by the state program are available for patients under 40 years of age (inclusive). If a 40 year-old patient were to begin medically assisted ovarian stimulation under the state program, the treatment cycle would end with an embryo transfer and the patient would be responsible for the costs associated with freezing any remaining high-quality embryos.

To qualify for IVF under the state program, patients must sign up for the waiting list after receiving confirmation of their infertility diagnosis. This diagnosis is made based on the examinations outlined in the Cabinet of Ministers regulation No. 261, titled “Procedure for Diagnosing Infertility”, dated April 4, 2006.

The following examinations are required for diagnosing female-factor infertility:
  • Gynaecological exam.
  • Sexually transmitted infection screening.
  • Hormone tests.
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.
  • Tubal patency test.
The following examinations are required for diagnosing male-factor infertility:
  • Sexually transmitted infection screening.
  • Semen analysis.

To sign up for the waiting list, you will need a referral from a family doctor or gynaecologist contracted with the National Health Service. This referral should include recommendations for enrolment in the program and should describe the subsequent procedures.

If a patient arrives at the clinic without a prior infertility diagnosis, the reproductive specialist will prescribe the necessary examinations to establish and confirm the diagnosis. Please note that all examinations and consultations will incur a fee. After your appointment with the reproductive specialist, you will receive a statement confirming your diagnosis. You can then present this statement to your family doctor to obtain the necessary referral for registration and future fertility treatment procedures.

If the patient has previously undergone examinations according to the Cabinet of Ministers regulation no. 261, titled “Procedure for Diagnosing Infertility,” they must schedule a follow-up appointment. This visit will verify that all necessary examinations and the established diagnosis are in order, as well as confirm the referral from their family doctor or state gynaecologist. When signing up for the waiting list, there is a required patient contribution of 4.00 euros for processing all required documentation.

IVF procedures are not covered if two previous unsuccessful attempts have been made under the state program, and no pregnancy was achieved during those procedures (including the absence of a diagnosed clinical pregnancy).

For more detailed information about IVF procedures, you can consult the clinic's specialists or administrators either in person or by contacting them via telephone at 67001007. You can also reach out via email at Additionally, you can call the National Health Service information number at 80001234 for assistance.

If a patient is on the waiting list for fertility treatments, they can use their invitation letter to apply to any clinic that has a contract with the National Health Service for fertility treatment procedures, regardless of the clinic where they sign up for the waiting list.

The state program for fertility treatment also covers the cost of the medication needed to stimulate egg growth in the ovaries, in accordance with the list of reimbursed medications.

With regards to the IVF procedure, patients are required to pay a fee of 21.00 euros on the day of the procedure:
  • Ovarian puncture and egg retrieval.
  • Embryo transfer.
  • Testicular biopsies.

If, during the state-funded IVF treatment process, there is a need to use assisted reproductive technologies that are not included in the list of state-funded procedures, the patient will be responsible for covering the costs of all additional technologies used.

Patient groups that are exempt from the patient fee:

Up-to-date information about the state program for fertility treatment procedures can be found on the National Health Service website at


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