Gynecological services
General preventive examination which includes doctor’s consultation, ultrasonography, oncocytology.
Assessment and treatment of gynecological diseases:
cervical diseases, including HIV screening, vaccination against cervical cancer (Silgard, Cervrix),
drug treatment for cervical erosion, if necessary – consultation by gynecologist-oncologist,
treatment of benign diseases of uterine cavity,
treatment and diagnosis of endometriosis,
consultation of gynecologist-endocrinologist,
treatment of inflammation of the pelvic organs,
testing to determine the presence of Sexually transmitted diseases.
Consultations about contraception, contraceptives and methods, insertion of intrauterine spirals Mirena, Nova-T Gold.
Consultations of gynecologist during menopause.
Ultrasonography - gynecological examinations, examinations of pregnant women, 4D ultrasonography and ultrasonography of the abdominal cavity.