In vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment with donor sperm in Latvia is an alternative to infertility treatment in Sweden.

Here, we’ll take you through a step by step breakdown detailing:

  • Causes of male infertility
  • Fertilization using partners sperm
  • When donor sperm is the best option
  • How the sperm is screened
  • Double Donor IVF
  • Infertility Testing

What Situations Cause Male Infertility?

Male factor infertility is the diagnosis for nearly half of all cases of infertility in couples. 

The quantity and quality of sperm are affected by:

  • The blocking of the transport of sperm through the genital tract. This includes both congenital and acquired problems. Examples of this are: as a result of infection, mechanical defects, consequences of a vasectomy, etc.
  • Retrograde ejaculation – when part of the seminal fluid enters the bladder.
  • The testicles completely or almost completely stopping the production of spermatozoa – through varicocele, hormonal imbalance, injuries, effects of operations; and the effects of drugs, chemistry, or radiation
  • Genetic pathology

Additional problems include a low concentration of healthy sperm in the ejaculate – less than 15 million per millilitre – called oligospermia; and a total absence, which is called azoospermia.

In difficult cases, like severe varicocele, the patient can require urological surgery. However, this procedure’s effectiveness in restoring fertility is, unfortunately, doubtful. 

While we can’t exclude similar fertility problems in women, donor sperm can be the solution to infertility. 

Fertilization Using Partner’s Sperm

There are many factors why a couple may struggle to get pregnant. In some cases, artificial insemination with the partners sperm is enough to catalyse healthy fertilization.

In other cases, assisted reproduction through In-Vitro Fertilization is required. Ava Clinic offers IVF treatment with partner sperm using a method called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This procedure practically guarantees fertilization, even with a very poor quality of sperm of the patient.

Even in cases when the male is diagnosed azoospermic, we still manage to get an extremely small number of spermatozoa directly from the testicles of a man. In 75% of cases, this small amount is enough for pregnancy. The expert urologist at Ava Clinic may perform a micro sperm extraction operation (TESE), or a testicular biopsy. The material obtained from the partner is used in the ICSI procedure for fertilization of eggs, including donor eggs, in the IVF treatment cycle.

Even with this advanced technology, many couples are diagnosed with Male Factor Infertility and partner sperm simply will not work. However, there are still ways for a trying couple to get pregnant.  

When all the above-mentioned techniques are not affective, or the seminal fluid of a man does not contain any sperm whatsoever, donor material comes to the rescue.


When do we Turn to Donor Sperm?

The success of IVF is often provided by donors. 

Donor sperm (sperm donation) is often used for survivors of testicular cancer, after radiation or chemotherapy, or after complex injuries when sperm production has not recovered.

For lesbian couples and single women, donor sperm is a critical part of the process.

At AVA clinic, we offer several solutions with donor sperm, including

How is the Donor Sperm Screened?

A complete analysis of the sperm that you will be assigned with includes an assessment of many parameters. The three most decisive are the concentration indicators; the number of sperms in one millilitre; their motility (how quickly and correctly they move); and their morphology (how good they look).

If these rates are normal, their probability of successful fertilization is about 99%. When these rates are abnormal, such as in cases of Male Factor Infertility, the severity of the problem correlates with the number of anomalies observed in the sperm.

Infertility Testing

If you are struggling to get pregnant, the first step to finding a solution is understanding whether it is MFI (male factor infertility) or FFI (female factor infertility). To know your diagnosis, schedule an appointment for Infertility Testing at Ava Clinic